Category: Pest Control


World Pest Day: The Origin of Pest Management

June 6 has been declared World Pest Day to raise awareness among the public, government and media about the important role that the pest management industry … Continue Reading


Mosquito Season: It’s Never Too Late To Be Prepared

Spring and summer storms can leave standing water which creates the perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes. Not only bothersome, mosquitoes carry serious diseases such as … Continue Reading


Love Bug Facts!

If you’ve driven on any interstate during the past few weeks, chances are your car came away with a few (or hundreds of) new hood … Continue Reading


Meet Massey Services – Bob Belmont

Bob Belmont – Bug Guy Bob is a Pest Control Training & Technical Director for Massey Services. One of his many jobs at Massey is … Continue Reading


Asian Lady Beetles – From Beneficial Bug to Pest

While ladybugs are considered cute and pretty, the Asian lady beetle is anything but cute. Overview of Asian Lady Beetles Multicolored Asian lady beetles (Harmonia axyridis … Continue Reading


The Truth Behind The Brown Recluse Spider

One of the most common phobias in the world today is arachnophobia, or the fear of spiders. Not many people enjoy coming face to face … Continue Reading


The Painful Bite of a Fire Ant

No ant is fun to have around but for the most part, ants can typically be pretty harmless. But if there is one ant you … Continue Reading


Weird Bug Facts

While most people are terrified of bugs, others find them, well, completely gross! Regardless of whether you like insects or not, these creepy crawlers are estimated to … Continue Reading


Pest Spring Cleaning Tips

Now that Spring has sprung and warmer weather is on it’s way, its good to prepare for an increase in pest activity around your home. … Continue Reading


Be Prepared for Bed Bugs on Spring Break

With the clocks “springing forward” last week and the first official day of spring arriving this week that means many of us are looking forward … Continue Reading


Cockroaches can Carry Diseases

Cockroaches. They are one of last things anyone wants to see in their home. But unfortunately, your home has very attractive qualities to it that … Continue Reading


Good vs. Bad Spiders

When most people see spider, they cringe. Is it a good spider or a bad spider? Will it hurt me? Just the way spiders walk … Continue Reading